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Welcome to Banyankore Kweterana, New England

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Our Causes


Join us in Making a Difference

Every cause at BKNE is an invitation—to learn, to contribute, and to be part of something greater. We invite you to explore these causes, engage in our initiatives, and join hands with us in creating a community that not only embraces unity and heritage but actively transforms lives. Your support is the driving force behind the impact we make. Together, let’s nurture, celebrate, and transform for a brighter future

Education for Empowerment

BKNE is committed to supporting education in specialized skills for ANKORE and Ugandan students at large who are unprivileged and do not receive government support in the fields of oil and gas, healthcare, mining, computer science, and tourism. This support is crucial for several reasons:

1. Economic Growth: Specialized education in these industries can contribute to the economic growth of ANKORE and Uganda at large by creating job opportunities and increasing productivity.

2. Job Opportunities: Education in these fields equips students with practical skills and knowledge that are in demand, increasing their chances of securing well paying jobs and improving their socio-economic status.

3. Local Talent Development: By supporting education in specialized skills, BKNE helps nurture local talent and reduces reliance on foreign experts, promoting the development of homegrown professionals who understand the local context.

4. Sustainable Development: Education in these fields promotes sustainable practices, such as
environmental conservation, ethical mining, sustainable tourism, and technological

5. Empowerment and Social Mobility: Access to education empowers individuals and provides
opportunities for social mobility, helping unprivileged students break the cycle of poverty and improve their living conditions. To support education in these specialized skills, BKNE will implement various initiatives:

-Scholarships and Financial Aid: Establish scholarship programs and financial aid options to support unprivileged students who cannot afford education in these fields.

-Vocational Training Centers: Set up vocational training centers that offer hands-on training in oil and gas, mining, computer science, and tourism, providing industry-specific skills and certifications.

-Industry-Academia Collaboration: Foster partnerships between educational institutions and
industry professionals to ensure education aligns with job market needs, offering internships, guest lectures, and mentorship programs.

Health and Wellness Hub

BKNE is committed to supporting access to healthcare in disadvantaged and remote
areas of Ankore. There are several ways in which we aim to achieve this goal:

1. Establishing healthcare facilities: BKNE plans to set up healthcare facilities in remote areas of Ankore where access to healthcare is limited or non-existent. These facilities will be equipped with necessary medical equipment, supplies, and trained healthcare professionals to provide essential healthcare services to the local population.

2. Mobile Clinics: In areas where setting up permanent healthcare facilities may not be feasible, BKNE will organize regular mobile clinics. These clinics will travel to different remote areas, providing healthcare services such as medical examinations, vaccinations, and basic treatments. This will ensure that people living in these areas can receive necessary healthcare without having to travel long distances.

3. Telemedicine Services: BKNE recognizes the importance of technology in bridging the healthcare gap in remote areas. We aim to leverage telemedicine services to connect patients in remote areas with healthcare professionals in urban areas. Through video consultations and remote monitoring, patients can receive medical advice, prescriptions, and follow-up care without the need for physical visits.

4. Health Education and Awareness Programs: BKNE believes that empowering individuals with knowledge about healthcare is crucial for improving access. We will organize health education and awareness programs in disadvantaged areas, covering topics such as hygiene, nutrition, preventive measures, and common health issues. By educating the local population, we aim to empower them to make informed decisions about their health and seek appropriate healthcare when needed.

5. Collaborations with Local Healthcare Providers: BKNE recognizes the importance of working in collaboration with existing healthcare providers in Ankore. We will seek partnerships with local hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations to strengthen the healthcare infrastructure in disadvantaged areas. This cooperation will facilitate the sharing of resources, expertise, and best practices to improve access to quality healthcare. Overall, BKNE is dedicated to addressing the healthcare challenges faced by disadvantaged and remote areas of Ankore. By establishing healthcare facilities, organizing mobile clinics, utilizing telemedicine services, conducting health education programs, and collaborating with local providers, we aim to ensure that every individual in Ankore has access to essential healthcare services regardless of their location or socio-economic status.

Cultural Preservation and Showcase

BKNE, stands for Banyankore Kweterana New England which could also stand for  “Bring Ankore Culture to the New Era,” is a project that aims to promote cultural preservation and raise awareness about the rich heritage of the Ankore people. The Banyankore are an ethnic group o

The primary objective of BKNE is to showcase and celebrate the Ankore culture, traditions, values, and practices. The project recognizes the importance of preserving cultural heritage as a way to maintain identity, promote diversity, and foster social cohesion within the Ankore community.

Through various initiatives, BKNE aims to document, revive, and promote Ankore cultural practices that may be at risk of being forgotten or lost over time. This can involve activities such as documenting oral histories, traditional rituals, dances, music, art, craftsmanship, and culinary traditions.

BKNE also seeks to create platforms for Ankore artists, artisans, and cultural practitioners to showcase their skills and talents. This may include organizing cultural festivals, exhibitions, workshops, and performances to provide opportunities for the community to engage with and appreciate Ankore cultural expressions. In addition to raising awareness within the Ankore community, BKNE also aims to promote the Ankore culture to a wider audience. This can be achieved through collaborations with local and international cultural organizations, tourism initiatives, cultural exchange programs, and digital platforms that highlight the beauty and significance of Ankore traditions. 

By showcasing Ankore culture, BKNE not only aims to preserve and promote cultural heritage but also to foster a sense of pride, identity, and unity among the Ankore people. The project recognizes that cultural preservation is essential for sustainable development, as it contributes to the social, economic, and environmental well-being of the community. 

Obumwe, Obuhangwa N’entunguka



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