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+1 (857) 333 4314


BKI Convention, Boston

2nd Annual Banyankore Kweterana International Convention, Boston


Celebrating, enhancing and preserving the cultural heritage of Ankore.

The 2nd Annual BKI Convention aims to celebrate the rich culture, unity, and heritage of the Ankore community while also promoting education and providing support to the disadvantaged. This convention serves as a platform to bring together Ankore people from across the world, including community members, leaders, educators, and professionals, to foster a sense of belonging and pride in their shared heritage. 

One of the primary objectives of the convention is to showcase and preserve the unique cultural traditions and practices of the Ankore community as well as Ankore’s tourism and business potential. Through various activities such as traditional music and dance performances, art exhibitions, storytelling sessions, and culinary experiences, attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant Ankore culture. These activities not only serve as a means of entertainment but also as a way to pass down ancestral knowledge and ensure the preservation of cultural practices for future generations.

 In addition to celebrating culture, the convention also places a strong emphasis on unity and community development. It aims to create a space where Ankore people can come together to forge strong bonds and build a sense of solidarity. By organizing panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions, attendees will have the chance to engage in meaningful conversations about the challenges and opportunities faced by the community. This exchange of ideas and experiences will help foster a spirit of togetherness and encourage collaboration for the betterment of the Ankore community.

Furthermore, the convention seeks to address the issue of educational inequality and provide support to the disadvantaged members of the community. Recognizing the importance of education in empowering individuals and uplifting communities, the convention will host a series of workshops and seminars focused on educational opportunities, scholarships, and vocational training programs. These sessions aim to equip attendees with the necessary knowledge and resources to overcome educational barriers and improve their prospects for a better future. 

Additionally, the convention will collaborate with local organizations, businesses and NGOs to raise funds for educational initiatives. These funds will be used to provide scholarships, educational materials, and infrastructure improvements to schools in underserved areas. By addressing educational disparities, the convention aims to empower individuals, reduce poverty, and promote social mobility within the Ankore community. 

Overall, the 2nd Annual BKI Convention is a multidimensional event that celebrates the culture, unity, and heritage of the Ankore community while also striving to create positive social change through education. By bringing people together, preserving cultural traditions, and promoting educational opportunities, the convention aims to uplift the community and pave the way for a brighter future.


The Westin Waltham, Boston


Banyankore Kweterana – New England Boston


Join us in Boston

Ready to join us? Register now for the second annual Banyankore Kweterena Convention 2024 hosted by Banyankore Kweterana, New England. For accomodation, book your stay at The Westin Waltham Hotel by choosing your duration of stay.

Obumwe, Obuhangwa N’entunguka


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